When it comes to self-help and motivational books no other book can match the power of Think and Grow Rich. This book is so wildly popular that it has sold over 70 million copies worldwide. Many famous and successful people cite this book as one of their keys to success and many people recommend this book. Think and Grow Rich not only tells you how to get rich, Hill tells you how to adapt the mindset of many successful people and think like a rich person. The book was very first published in 1937.

Napoleon Hill is a famous author and journalist, his best book being the biggest selling book of all time, Think and Grow Rich and The Laws of Success. Napoleon was born in Southwest Virginia, USA and is considered one of the greatest in the success and self-help genre.

The book among telling and teaching you many other things teaches you to clearly know where you want to go in life while also having self-belief in yourself, desire to achieve more in life and the ability to remove and eliminate negative thoughts and focus on the bigger picture and your goals.

“The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat.”

In the original book, Hill uses stories from interviews that he has had and shows how to get successful. He includes many people such as Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and many other rich and successful people of his generation.

The book was the result of Hill interviewing and analyzing many successful people of his generation and coming up with results. Napoleon Hill was prompted by Andrew Carnegie at the time to research and write a book on this topic.

The book is split into many different steps and chapters to achieve the mindset and achieve success. There are 13 steps in the book and the steps are as follows;

 1. Desire
 2. Faith
 3. Autosuggestion
 4. Specialized Knowledge
 5. Imagination
 6. Organized Planning
 7. Decision
 8. Persistence
 9. Power of the Master Mind
 10. The Mystery of Sex Transmutation
 11. The Subconscious Mind
 12. The Brain
 13. The Sixth Sense

This book tells you how to attain wealth and how to think and act like rich and successful people, it also tells you what to be wary of once you have achieved wealth, success and prosperity. Once you reach your goal and become wealthy, there will be many people who come to you and try to use you just for your new found wealth and success. But you need to filter out the bad people from the good people.

Think and Grow Rich contains many different secrets that you would never of thought of. It also WILL change the way you think about money, wealth and getting successful. It will completely change your mindset if used properly and if all the steps are followed properly.

If you enjoyed this review and would like to purchase the book, then please click here. Lets end this review with a power Napoleon Hill quote;

“When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal.” 

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Must Read Business Books That Will Change Your Life | The Marketing Guy · March 18, 2014 at 12:11 am

[…] Think and Grow Rich is a good book for anyone who has the desire to succeed. It’s very motivating and the language which has been used is very simple. Check out the full review of this book by clicking here. […]

WARNING: This Post Will Change Your Life | The Marketing Guy · May 24, 2014 at 8:28 pm

[…] The guy behind the audio tape is Earl Nightingale, a motivational speaker and author from the 19th century. Nightingale was a popular radio show host and was inspired by Napoleon Hill and his book Think and Grow Rich. […]

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