
Getting to the top of search engines can be really challenging. For some people it is their dream to get to the top of the search engines. If you receive traffic from search engines it can be beneficial for you as it will bring a lot of traffic towards your website however getting traffic through search engines is not the only way to get traffic.

It can be hard to get started with getting found by Google and Co but once you have it does get a lot more easier. In this article you will get the know our top ten tips on getting to the top of search engines and how to stay at the top.

10. Write your content for humans, not search engines

You might have heard this one before but it really is important. Search engines base it on the keywords that people type in. If you use too many keywords and write just for search engines, most search engines would penalize you. It is best to write for your target audience instead of search engines. You should find out who your target audience is if you don’t. Once you start writing your content for your target audience, you sites performance should go up.

9. Make sure you have a good domain name

Having a good domain name helps get to the top of search engines. Make sure whatever the name you choose it has something to do with the topic of blog. For example if your blog is about golf, you should have the name in your URL like www.ilovegolf.com. To get a good domain name at a cheap price at GoDaddy.

8. Have a good URL Structure

If you have a good URL structure for your website then your SEO is much better. Google gives more plus points if you have a good URL structure. For example which one is better;



The first one is better because it describes what the page is going to be about, it tells you the page will be about search engines and this helps the search engine rank your page better. On the other hand the second one is just a bunch of random numbers so it won’t benefit you in terms of SEO. So always remember to change the name of your URL to get ranked better in search engines.

7.  The Title of your Page

Getting the title of your page is very important. Search Engines take the title as a main thing and the title is what makes users click your website in search results. Have a good title and you will start to get better results. If you had a page about getting to the top of Google, an example of a good title would be;

How to Get to the top of Google

x ways to improve your ranking in search engines

A good title is descriptive and uses keywords that its users may be using. Use Google’s Keyword Planner to see what keywords are popular. Also be sure to fill in the description and the META tags to let Google and other search engines know about your new content. Find out more about META Tags. Don’t just stuff keywords in for the sake of it, you will get penalized for it. Yeah we know, search engines are really strict…

6. Get Social!

If you haven’t already get social. Get a Facebook and Twitter account running for your website and start sharing your content on their as well. Google are using the Google +1 Button and it does place some significance on search engine results. 
Search Engines do rank content based on shares and retweets on Social Media websites.

5. Don’t Duplicate Content and Copy Content from other websites

This is a big no-no. For one your website will look unprofessional and if you copy from another website people will not see it as an authority website and instead of gaining more traffic and visitors, you will end up losing more traffic. 
Google have not confirmed that they penalize websites but don’t take the risk. Trust us don’t do it, it’s not worth it!

4. Guest Posting and Guest Blogging

Guest Posts are the classic way of getting your website ranked on search engines and it still works wonders. The Concept of Guest Blogging is simple really, you write an article for another blog which may be about anything and you post a link for your site at the end of the article which users can go to. 
It may be slightly harder to acquire guest posts but they do carry more authority for the search engines and your site will be ranked higher. 
Here is a great article that teaches you how to write an effective guest post.

3. Give away something FREE

Giving away something for free will not only build followers for your blog or website but it will also help your site rank better on search engines. Let me explain. People love free stuff. So they will be using FREE as a keyword to look for sites offering free stuff. Free is one of the most searched for term on the internet and people.
You can give away anything for free. Do you have any ebooks you would like to offer for free? Can you make your own WordPress theme? Offer it for free. Your website will benefit from it.

2. Share your Site with everyone!

Make sure you spread your website and share it on a range of different websites. You could write Press Releases, Write articles on Article sharing websites, Share on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and share on Social Media websites like StumbleUpon, Digg and Delicious.
Get your visitors to share it on social network and social media sites and Google and other search engines will rank your site higher. 

1. Quality over Quantity

Writing quality posts will be better then writing a lot of posts. Google rank content based on quality and relevance of what the user is searching for. If you answer everything that the user is looking for in their search then Google will rank your site higher than the rest. It might be hard to write a quality article but it will be worth it.

Check out this article on how to write a quality article.

Do you have any of your own tips. Share your tips with everyone in the comment section below, we would love to hear from you!
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The Ultimate Guide To Creating An Awesome Blog | The Marketing Guy · April 21, 2014 at 1:17 am

[…] It analyses your content brilliantly and tells you how you can improve the functionality of your site as well as the META description and title among other things. This is the only Plugin you will be needing for SEO. If you want more tips on how to get to the top of the search engines, then check this article out. […]

Simple SEO Tips To Grow Your Website [Infographic] | The Marketing Guy · May 3, 2014 at 12:53 pm

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