How do you feel about marketing on the internet? Is it something that is
tough or complex for you to do? Have you spent endless amounts of money
on courses and ebooks that you’re just looking for a real way to make money
online? If so, then you should know that you can make money with ANY
online business opportunities… the thing that will make you profitable is your
marketing strategy.
It doesn’t matter what you sell. If you can’t get traffic or get people to sign
up for your free email newsletter, how do you expect to make money when it
comes to offering people something that costs something? This is something
that you need a good answer to. Some people ignore this fact, and because
of it, their business doesn’t succeed.
To make money online, you need to make “internet marketing” your number
1 priority. If you sell ebooks, physical products, affiliate products, or even
services… you won’t get 1 measly sale if you don’t focus on getting people to
your website. And it takes alot of work. Now you can easily negate this with
paid advertising, but when the funds run out, so does your traffic.
There is a debate of whether paid advertising is better than free advertising,
and vice versa. My position on this point is that you should use both. But if
your advertising budget isn’t large, I would suggest advertising on pay per
click search engines (like Google Adwords”), and pay $0.10 cents on each
click that you get.
This way you don’t risk it all, and you can get a reliable number of sales each
and every month from this medium alone. I personally do more free
advertising than paid advertising. With paid advertising such as PPC, you
could easily get into a bidding war with another advertiser, and you will end
up paying way more than you can afford. So instead of at least breaking
even, you’re LOSING lots of money on each sale.
Can you imagine losing money on each sale? Depending on your loss, and
prices of your follow up products… it could probably take you around 2 or 3
more sales JUST to break even and recoup your investment when advertising
to your prospect. This is why I don’t put much stock into paid advertising.
Free advertising is sufficient, and is something that can bring you endless
traffic forever without any more work for you.
Now while free advertising is effective, it can sometimes take a long while to
work. But if you’re promoting your product or service on a site like Youtube,
you may be able to see immediately hits to your videos and your websites
altogether. This is the power of free marketing, and I think Youtube is a
medium that can get you a ton of sales in a short period of time.
The more you work at your business, the more it’ll be likely to succeed. If you
don’t remember anything from me, just keep that previous sentence in mind.
Good luck with using these tips to promote your business effectively
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and
highly-regarded online marketing experts on the internet. He currently has a
course about internet marketing that helps small business owners market
their business online successfully. To learn more, simply visit his website
1 Comment
Josi Bunder · December 8, 2013 at 11:38 am
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