Times are getting tough. Maybe your pay packet isn’t stretching as far as you thought it would. Or just maybe you have some unexpected bills this month. With Easter approaching you may want to know of some ways to make some extra cash. It isn’t as hard as you would think to make money on Easter.
Easter is usually a Christian celebrated holiday but like Christmas, it is sometimes celebrated by people from other religions and cultures. Easter marks the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
You might want more money to treat your friends or family for Easter. Be smart and plan ahead. Take advantage of this festive holiday and make an extra income. Here are some ways you can cash in on Easter:
Make Money On Easter
- Sell Easter Eggs – When it comes towards Easter, for some odd reason, people love chocolate. They especially love it in the form of Easter eggs. Easter eggs see a phenomenal growth in sales when it comes towards the Easter period. A little lesson in Easter; Easter is celebrated with eggs because eggs represent life, rebirth and fertility. Easter eggs are meant to symbolize the empty tomb of Jesus Christ. But I digress, you can buy cheap Eater eggs from Confectionery Warehouse while you can start selling them on Facebook or on eBay. It is pretty simple to start selling on Facebook. One way you can do it is open a Facebook business page, start inviting people and you have a business running on Facebook. If you want to get more likes on your page click here to find out. You can also create your very own website that sells chocolates and other Easter related goodies. It is slightly harder to open your own web store however it can be done on WordPress.
- Start a Blog – Believe it or not but it is easier than you think to start your own blog. You can create a free blog on either Blogger or Tumblr. Once you have set your account up just start writing, you can write about anything, your life, Easter, your dog, etc. You might need some extra advice on how to start your own blog, click here to learn more. However if you want to take things abit more seriously you might want to self-host your own blog. Self-Hosting just means you have to pay a monthly fee to have your website hosted. We recommend using Bluehost for hosting as they have exceptional customer service and are great value for money. Using WordPress it is really simple to create your own blog and Bluehost have one click install, so its really quick and simple. Your blog can be the foundation of your business and you can create things like apps, ebooks, other website around your blog. To learn how to create your own business empire, click here.
- Kindle Books – Books are the next big thing. Amazon‘s Kindle platform makes it easy for anyone to publish their own book and make it available to the whole world to purchase. Users can purchase your book in electronic format (ebook) and they can read it straight away. You can write your book on anything you fancy. You can make it non-fiction or non-fiction. You can write about Easter, self-help, Christmas, Food or anything else. For tips on how to write and publish your own Amazon Kindle book, click here. Kindle books are starting to outsell actual paperback books and it isn’t hard to see why. They are easier to read, you can read it on multiple devices, it is usually cheaper and there is no delivery costs. Whats not to like about Kindle books? If you already have a blog or you plan on creating a blog, you can even link your books to your blog and vice versa, so you end up getting more traffic. This way you will also be building up your brand name. The best thing about it is you don’t even have to write your own books. You can just outsource everything to someone in the Philippines or India and they will do it for you. You can use elance or Odesk to find someone who will write your book for about $40 – $50. It isn’t as hard as it seems make money on Easter.
- Build your own apps – Ever heard of how successful apps can be like Angry Birds or Flappy Birds? Angry Birds is so popular that it has its own series of TV shows, merchandise, console video games and they even have plans to make a full feature length movie for it. In fact, Angry Birds is worth more than $5.5 billion and has spanned plenty of spin-off apps. If you would like to learn more on how to create your own app empire, check out this great article from SPI. Apps like ebooks, can also outsource to freelancers in different countries and they develop apps pretty cheaply. If you develop a good app that is useful or entertaining, it can be the next big thing, and be a big hit. Once your app is a hit, the sky is the limit to how much you can earn.
- Start Selling Snacks and Food – This one is a great idea. Who doesn’t love food? You can appeal to a large market and also sell nice food. If you are good at baking or cooking things, you can serve up Easter themed snacks and food and sell it to people. You can sell to local people by selling at markets, bake sales, garage sales. If you have some skills in in baking and have access to your own oven, then you can start baking cookies, cakes, biscuits and other Easter themed goodies. You could even create your own website and start selling to customers worldwide. If your baked goods are genuinely tasty, you can even contact local restaurants and shops. If they stock your goods then you can earn even more money from your side business. Make sure you have a good pricing strategy that is enough for you to profit from but not to high that no one will buy anything from you. If you need any ideas for any recipes check out our sister website, Cooking Recipes Guide.
There are many other ideas for creating an awesome business and making a nice side income. These are some great ideas to make money on Easter. Make sure you do not take too many projects on at one time as this can lead to burn out and also you will never get anything done as you will try juggling all the projects at once.
Make sure you organize and plan properly because a person who does not organize themselves has weaknesses is his projects.
What business projects do you currently have? How much money are you making from your business(es)? We’d love to hear from you.