
Books with the title that involve ‘how to be rich’ usually are used as a marketing trick to lure people in with the book title. But I Will Teach You to be Rich: No Guilt, No Excuses – Just a 6-week Programme That Works is a book that is different and promises to be different from all other ‘get rich quick’ books. The basis of this book is personal finance including wealth management, investing, saving and budgeting.

The author of this book Ramit Sethi is a personal finance advisor and entrepreneur who is also the owner of the blog with the same name. Sethi graduated with a degree in Science, Technology and Society from Stamford university. The book become a New York Times Best Seller and was published in 2009.

Sethi teaches you how to manage your money as well as saving. He teaches you how to save properly and accumulate money through saving. He teaches you all the basic principles of finance and all the terms. If you don’t know the difference between 401K and IRA, he will tell you!

There are some useful things included in the book I Will Teach You how to be Rich such as the personal money management system and how to set up automatic bill payments. As well as telling ou about all that he also tells you how to get your savings to work harder than you do and explains all about taxes

Now this isn’t like one of those books that tells you to ditch your daily Starbucks coffee fix for 7 years and after that you should have enough money saved up. Instead it is spilt up into different sections and is meant to be used as a 6 week program. Week by week he will teach you how to;

Week 1 – How to use your credit card to your advantage and learn how to get those expensive fees waived.
Week 2 – How to set up bank accounts that are high in interest and wont cost you a penny to make. He actually gives you the most banks that give the highest interest rate and the banks he uses.
Week 3 –  In this week he shows you how to invest and the different things you need to do to invest, he shows you can do it with as little money as possible.
Week 4 –  Learn how to make your money stretch more and make your money go to the right places while also figuring out how much you spend.
Week 5 – Automation. Put everything on automatic, in this section he show you how to link everything together and create an infrastructure that will never fail.
Week 6 – In the final week he tells you why investing isn’t the same as plying in the stock market and how to exploit the market.
Ramit Sethi tells us how you don’t have to be a rocket scientist or you don’t even need more money than Donald Trump to get started. In fact he tells you how to get started by spending next to nothing. If you just implement half of what he says in this book, you will see results.

The thing is this book is intended for the American market so it will help tax laws according to America and not any other country. So you will have to use your own countries tax laws if you live in a country other then America.

Getting this book might not change you life but it will certainly increase your financial knowledge and stop you from falling from a financial pitfall. This book does have a bold title and makes a lot of claims however the title looks like a marketing ploy designed to get people to buy the book. The book contains a lot of good advice and we recommend this book as it is very helpful and will increase your financial knowledge.

This book certainly isn’t a scam

You can learn more about this book by visiting Ramit Sethi’s website at www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com . If you liked this article then please share it with you friends and on all the different social networks. To purchase a copy of Ramit Sethi’s book please click here

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