Writing is not important at all, in my opinion, how beautifully one can write this thing matters a lot. There hundreds of thousands people who are writing articles on World Wide Web and newspapers and so forth. However most of the time we do not give one look to those writings. What is the reason? Even they are talking about some recent happenings, product or services and the like. You must be aware of a term X Factor. X factor is basically a worth mentioning unusual and exceptional quality or talent. Whenever a writing piece is missing that X Factor, readers will not show their interest. Grabbing attention of the readers is not everyone’s cup of tea. There are many writers who want to write killer articles. Most of the time writers and more specifically new writers struggle a lot to make their articles worth reading.
There some people who hire the services of professional writers to write their articles for them. Writing maybe a different and difficult field; however it is not impossible to write at all. There is, certainly, nothing that cannot be done with practice and more practice. There is, indeed, nothing to worry about it. In fact, in my own opinion, ever person can write, if a person wants to write an article, he can write it and can attract the readers to his article. Writers do not need any specific degree at all. Writing a killing content does not need any rocket science of any kind. In the following lines I would like to share some tips to improve the quality of writing for any level and genre.
Selection of Killer Subject
Subject is the most important thing. It is the subject that catches the attention of the readers. Therefore if the subject is not catchy, no one will read that. Time is really precious and people have no time to waste on worthless readings. Selection of subject is the most crucial and decisive factor that play really important role on the rest of article. Subjects of the article grab the attention of people who are interested in that topic. For instance any article about the government shut down in United States of America had got the attention of government employees especially and people living within the territorial boundaries of United States of America, because they were affected by that shut down. In the same way articles about the legalization of marijuana may seize the sight of readers. Subjects act like magnet. It’s the subject that can attract the readers and again it’s the subject that can repel the readers.
Research of topic
Research is really important. It is research that gives the writer an authority to write about any topic. Without prior research, it will be impossible to write anything informative and killer article. Writer should have complete knowledge before writing any article. Mere thoughts and words can never clutch readers’ attention.
Use of Expressions
Proper use of expression is really indispensable for a killer article. Writing is, no doubt, one of the most imperative techniques and modes of expressing the thoughts, feelings, sentiments, and share philosophies and opinions of the writers to the readers. Certainly, some people have the inborn capability or talent to put their feelings and point of view into words. There is a perception that article writing is much more advantageous, especially for such people who are more expressive. Expression is the basic tool that can get the attention of the reader and later no one can resist that article.
People like surprises
At times surprises are good, especially when we read any article we like shocks. However, writers should take care that surprise is not turning into a shock. Surprises in any article keep the interest of the reader in the article and provoke him to read it completely.
Cohesiveness is must to write a killing Article
Cohesive and interconnected articles maintain the interest of the readers till the end. It is the cohesiveness that can grip the eye of the readers and can compel the reader to keep reading till the end. Lack of cohesiveness will result in jumbling of thoughts and eventually will lose the interest of readers. Killer article should have a cohesive content. Fragmented and disjointed thoughts in writing give rise to confusion, bewilderment and panic.
Do not drag your article
Dragging of article will result in boredom and tediousness. The prime aim of any writer should be development of interesting article. In fact interesting articles are the real killer articles. Writers should pay more attention to their writing style; it should be precised and condensed, only then readers will keep reading article.
Use of interesting vocabulary
Vocabulary plays an important role in gripping readers’ attention to any article. Writers should be acquainted with state of the art vocabulary, but at the same time they should not use difficult words too much, to facilitate non English readers as well.
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The Ultimate Guide To Creating An Awesome Blog | The Marketing Guy · April 21, 2014 at 1:13 am
[…] If you need more advice on creating killer content that people will love, then you need to check this article out. […]
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