
The idea of making money on Facebook has received a surge of appeal in recent times, but can you really earn a passive income from a social networking site? Facebook is one of or probably the biggest social networking platforms around, and with over a billion active users, there are definitely several ways to capitalize on this potential. Given this undue attention, there are also a number of unscrupulous tips, tricks, sugar coated lies and strategies that aren’t worth exploring, but the ways listed below could bring in some serious cash. In this article you will find out the different ways you can use to earn money on Facebook.

Before you get started, you will need an active Facebook account, and if you don’t have one, it’s simply a matter of filling out a few fields, and then the standard email verification.

Facebook Fan Page

Every business on Facebook has a Facebook Fan Page or should have one in this social frenzy era. Creating a fan page is not limited to businesses, but anyone looking to promote their products can get started. Speaking of products, you will need to choose them wisely, and this may include affiliate links, eBooks, etc. Once you’ve chose a product, you can promote it through your personal Facebook page and other social media channels and even search engines. Key is to promote products that users feel will help them in some way or the other, and encourage them to click on the affiliate link where you get your commission or visit your official website to complete the buying process.

By going this route, you can also promote your own products such as eBooks and other forms of digital marketing. Regardless of the product or affiliate website you choose to promote, ensure that it will have your fans begging for more and not be a reason for disappointment, which may be detrimental to your future online endeavors. Check out our article on how to increase Facebook likes.

Affiliate Marketing

This is probably the most lucrative opportunity on Facebook, but is also one of the toughest to crack. Affiliate marketing on Facebook may be free to a certain extent, but you can also use Facebook ad space to enhance your efforts. You can use platforms such as Amazon, ClickBank and Commission Junction to source your products. Signing up with any one or all of them is extremely easy and free.

These websites provide you with a unique affiliate code that is embedded into the link, which potential buyers click on. Using this specific link and code ensures that you are paid for your efforts and have a hassle free affiliate experience. Although there’s not much to lose with affiliate marketing, you need to understand that your reputation is tied to any business you dabble into so it is important that you refrain from any activities that will taint it.  

Developing Facebook Apps

If you have some type of software experience and a tad bit of marketing skills, you can always develop and sell your own apps on Facebook and other social media platforms. Creating a single app that receives a fair amount of attention could open a world of opportunities for you starting with building a pronounced online reputation. Once you get your feet wet, you can help others transform their ideas by creating apps for them and for a handsome fee of course. Another way to capitalize on this is by marketing other relevant products through your developer fan page.

If you love Facebook, why not share your Experience?

Facebook is undoubtedly one of the biggest social media networking platforms today, and although it boasts over a billion users, there are a number of them who haven’t explored it to the fullest. This is where you can help by creating eBooks and blogs that highlight tips and strategies on using the platform. Facebook also releases regular updates that sadly sometimes go unheard due to busy daily routines, etc, and this is where you can be of assistance.

Creating a blog or an eBook is free most of the time, and should take no more than a few hours to populate them with useful content. You can either sell these guides and monetize your blogs by renting out ad space or simply use them to direct traffic to your other high value products.

Promote Existing Applications on Facebook

If you have excellent marketing skills, but lack what it takes to develop applications, then why not promote others creations for some extra cash. Promoting apps is easy, and can be done through your personal profile page. However, it is recommended that you confirm whether the specific app does have an active affiliate program, before lending your efforts. Speaking of making money from apps, there are a number of them that pay you in points that can be later redeemed for things such as mobile recharges, etc. Some great examples of these apps include LiveStock, AppBank and Embeepay.

With a billion plus users spending over a 10 billion minutes of interaction time, Facebook definitely offers great potential for anyone looking to make a bit of extra cash and the techniques above will definitely prove useful.
If you haven’t already done so, I highly recommend you to open a Facebook account and start implementing these money making tips. If you enjoyed this article please consider leaving a comment and make sure to share the article and like us on Facebook and Twitter. Also subscribe to our RSS Feed
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